Many believe that memory loss, like getting sick, is inevitable with age. However, the theory doesn’t stand up to those who manage to keep a sharp and focused mind well into their eighties and nineties. While getting older is inevitable, memory does not have to decline so severely as to put you into a nursery home waiting for the release of death. There are steps you can take to insure that you keep most of your memory without it affecting your life too severely.
What you eat has a great influence on how sharp your mind will be. Just as the body requires essential nutrients to function properly, you need to feed your mind with the nutrients required for good memory health. Fresh fruits, vegetables, high fiber cereals and grains, nuts and seeds hold more nutrition than the typical high carbohydrate diets most Americans are used to. While memory functioning isn’t evident in the early years of life, a constant poor diet will eventually have an impact on both the mind and body.
Lack of Exercise: It’s been hammered on by the media. Likely your doctor has recommended an exercise program. Exercise, especially outdoors, helps improve blood flow to all parts of the body including the brain. A gym membership isn’t required but just taking a 20 minute walk everyday can improve both physical and mental health.
Reduce Stress Levels: No one can avoid stress entirely, but in today’s world, the worries of life combined with high blood pressure means that many people can’t relax enough to allow the mind to rejuvenate itself. Chronic fatigue, memory lapses and constant forgetfulness are the signs that the brain is overtaxed. A mind filled with fear and anxiety cannot solve common problems much less remember important facts. Learning to relax through prayer or meditation puts the mind into the right balance.
Getting Enough Sleep: It’s a chronic problem for many. Either they can’t sleep or don’t sleep properly. The body requires that eight hours of quiet time to rejuvenate it’s self and repair the damage caused by daily life. No less is this true of the mind. Those who don’t sleep enough have poor mental functioning and can’t get through a typical day.
The Toxic Environment: It plays a major part in the ability to reason and solve problems. Many toxins, such as aluminum and lead affect the mind’s ability to function. Many mood altering drugs and anti-depressants create a chemical imbalance in the brain that interferes with reasoning and logic ability. Eliminating those toxins or purging them with a good detoxification program can help improve cognitive function.
Supplementation: Unfortunately, today’s food is woefully inadequate when it comes to the essential vitamins and minerals required to keep memory sharp. While supplements aren’t emphasized, they are a necessary part in maintaining overall health. Vitamins, such as C, E, B-6, B-12 and beta-carotene help sharpen memory. Ginkgo biloba helps speed oxygen to the brain. Huperzine A is a Chines medicinal herb that helps retard cognitive decline in the brains of elderly people. If you are experiencing some memory decline, visit a health food store for the specific supplements that can help keep your mind sharp and clear.