Using Bioidentical Hormones for Menopause Relief For those of you unfamiliar with the term ‘bioidentical hormones,’ here is a brief explanation. Bioidentical hormones are made to duplicate the molecular structure of the hormones in your own body. Do not confuse them with synthetic hormones. Bioidentical hormones are manufactured for your own body. They cannot be patented. Synthetic hormones such as …
Memory! What’s that?
I am rapidly approaching 54. I can’t believe I’ve lived this long—never thought it would happen. It’s odd—I can vividly remember being five-years old, coming back from the coast early from our vacation because Hurricane Camille was approaching shore. I vividly remember the high winds whipping the car and feeling as though the hurricane was going to catch us. I …
Hysterectomy in the United States
Hysterectomy in the United States Approximately 600,000 hysterectomies are performed each year in the United States. Hysterectomy is the second most frequent major surgical procedure among reproductive-aged women. From 2000 through 2004, an estimated 3.1 million U.S. women had a hysterectomy. The hysterectomy rate decreased slightly from 5.4 per 1,000 in 2000 to 5.1 per 1,000 in 2004. From 2000 …
Hiding Figure Flaws? Easy with now In-style Tunic Tops
They’re in the magazines. They’re in the videos. Everyone wants to know what the season’s latest trends are. Images of rail thin models strutting confidently down runways demonstrate how the fashions are supposed to look. But how can one pull off the same look with figure flaws? The fact is that most women do have figure flaws of some sort …
Do Relationships Get Easier As People Grow Older?
The short answer to this question is a resounding No. People often think that as we get older, wiser, less naïve and more worldly wise that relationships will all suddenly become a piece of cake. But the reality for many people is vastly different. Even the most steadfast couple can find that as they hit middle age, things become more …
Keeping Memory Sharp into Old Age
Many believe that memory loss, like getting sick, is inevitable with age. However, the theory doesn’t stand up to those who manage to keep a sharp and focused mind well into their eighties and nineties. While getting older is inevitable, memory does not have to decline so severely as to put you into a nursery home waiting for the release …
Pecans Could be Important for a Healthy Brain
photo credit:laura padgett via photopin cc Pecans Could be Important for a Healthy Brain Eating pecans could be important for a healthy brain and nervous system according to a new study published in Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research. These tasty nuts may even help to slow down progression of motor neuron diseases such as ALS. ALS or amyotropic lateral sclerosis …
Reduce Waistline With Fitness!
Reduce Waistline With Fitness! Many people – especially women – want a smaller waistline. The seventeen inch waistline of Scarlet O’Hara isn’t obtainable for most women, nor should it be – but remember, she had the advantage of wearing a waist whittling corset. Is it possible to get a smaller waist without corsets or girdles? Why a Smaller Waist is …
Leading causes of death in women age 35 and up. CDC charts
The following six lists from the CDC on Women’s Health contain the statistics for the leading causes of death in females age 35 and up according to nationality in the United States. These years are the primary menopausal years. Those top three maladies are heart disease, cancer and stroke and are consistent across the board with the exception of #3 …
Menopause and Mental Health (translation) Menopause is the New Psycho!
The time in a person’s life, lovingly referred to as “midlife” is often considered a period of increased risk for depression especially in women. Many women report irritability, mood swings, anxiety, tearfulness, and feelings of loss, inadequacy and/or despair in the years leading up to menopause. The main reason for these emotional problems isn’t always understood. Research has shown repeatedly …
Does Keeping a Food Diary Help With Weight Loss?
Weight loss can be difficult for some people. After cutting back on calories for a few weeks and not making any progress, they throw up their hands in frustration and head to the drugstore for the latest weight loss pill that’s all the rage. This is not a path to healthy weight control. There could be a simpler and safer …
Hysterectomy and Menopause (Menopause #4)
This video is the fourth and final presentation in this series on menopause and it’s effects on women as they age. This particular vid focuses on hysterectomy and induced menopause. Again the information contained within are both well researched and professionally presented in a clear and precise manner enabling one to understand the subject. Please use this site and video …
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